Team Carroll.

                                      The Team, myself,Daniel, Jeremy & Carol.
      Hello and welcome to our humble little home on the web, i hope you enjoy your stay, please look around and feel free to leave comments by email or icq. You may read more about me in Daves Story.

My links to sci-fi and computers.

We have another page at Faithweb, if you wish to have a look.

A few pages of our Wedding Day.

Some pictures of the two boys

With all the violence in this world we all need a hug, please read this little story.

Laughter is the best medicine so try these. Beware,they aren't to everybodys taste.

More laughter.

For those of you with Dirty minds....

A warning to Frequent Flyers..

Some English lessons.

For those of you in Relationships..

A warning to those who have Girlfriends!!!!!.

Guys and girls this is how to impress each other.

If you need some inspiration then read through some of the quotes i have collected.

Here is a story i feel has to be shared, An Interview with God.

You can read some Life stories here.

A small story about getting older.

Here are some really cool messages left on answering machines.

A ditty about a part of us Manhood on strike???.

I also have a page which i have dedicated to Carol.

A few pics from the movie The Mummy.

Do you suffer from Needless worry.

I have two sisters and two brothers, i'm the eldest, sis Michele also has a presence on the web at Micheles Mysteries.

Sarah, Breanna, Mish, Melissa


My first son also has a page. Paul.

I will be adding more pages all the time, this will be an ongoing project so please call back again, any comments can be voiced to us on icq, 34692749, by email or by signing the guestbook. Ok thank you and bye for now.

This site updated on Saturday 27th April 2002.

I'll take this oppurtunity to say hello to a few of our friends, Vince and Kathy, hopefully they will have a site up and running soon and i'll give you a link. The Greenwood clan, where i work, hi Lynton, Joel, :) ,my sis Michele, Roger and Georgie. Also Chris and Sonia, through them i met Carol, also hello to Chloe and Guido.A very special hello and hugs to Jen, she is a fantastic woman who also helped me through my troubled times. Better say hello to mum and dad, without them i wouldn't be here, :). Thanks people.


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[Is Windows Too Boring]