Dave and Carol.

Our Wedding Day.

Vince.             Dave.         Carol.          Sonya.

Our big day was Saturday 18th of December 1999.
The lord blessed us with a beautiful sunny day, the time would be 11.30am.
I was excited and very nervous, my best man, Vince  was here at about 10.30am.

The celebrant was early, we cleared up a few last minute details and waited for the bride to show,
tradition was kept, she was 20 minutes late.

You can read a copy of our wedding vows here.

                                                           These pics speak for themselves.
         After Carol and i had signed the papers the celebrant asked us if we were ready for him
              to sign  and we both replied together, yes.
                                        My wife was shining so brightly i had to wear sunnys.


More pics.