Needless Worry.

 A story worth dusting off is about a man who bragged: "I only
worry about two things -- whether I am sick or well. If I'm well I've
got nothing to worry about! And if I'm sick I've only got two things
to worry about -- whether I get better, or whether I die. If I get
better I've got nothing to worry about! And if I die I've only got two
things to worry about -- whether I go to heaven or hell. If I go to
heaven I've got nothing to worry about. And if I go to hell I'll be so
busy greeting my friends I won't have time to worry! So why worry?"
        Regardless of how you feel about his view of life after life,
he makes a good point about worry. There is really no room for
needless concern about the future.
        I like what Ralph Waldo Emerson said about worry:
            "Some of your hurts you have cured,
            And the sharpest you still have survived,
            But what torments of grief you endured
            From evil that never arrived!"
        It is true that most people worry needlessly at times --
especially about things that will probably never happen. What needless
worries do you need to release today?
