True love is hard to find.

  Too many people fall in love for all the wrong reasons.

  Love is blind.

  Where there's a will there's a way.

  Good  Better  Best,  Never let it rest till your good is better and your better is

    What can't be done is done first,the impossible is done later on.

     Good friends are hard to find.

      When your with someone, somebody else wants you. When your on your own
 nobody wants you.

    A world without love is a lonely place.

  Time is a predator, or it is a constant companion travelling with us reminding us to cherish
 every moment.

   Everybody lies, the innocent lie because they dont want to be blamed for something they didn't
 do,the guilty lie because they have no other choice.

  Touch passion when it comes your way, it's very rare.

  We create the future by our words, our deeds and our beliefs.

The goal in life, To strive,to seek, to find and never yield.

     The past tempts us, the present confuses us, the future frightens us
 and our lives slip away lost in that vast terrible inbetween.
    Yet there is still time to seize that one last fragile moment
to choose something better,to make a difference.

Greatness is never appreciated in youth, called pride in mid-life and dismissed in old age. Only in death is it reconsidered. Because we cannot tolerate greatness in our midst we do all we can to destroy it.


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