
Here are some quotes i have collected from various places, some have authors and some dont, i hope you enjoy.

 "The world is a dangerous place to live in, not because
of the people that do evil; but because of the people that
stand by and let them do it."
--Albert Einstein

: "If a man does not keep pace with his
companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different
drummer.  Let him step to the music which he hears,
however measured or far away."

"Absence diminishes little passions and increases
great ones, just as the wind blows out a candle and
fans a fire."
--La Rochefoucauld

"Eighty percent of success is showing up."
   -- Woody Allen

One kind word can warm three winter months.
-- Japanese Proverb

"Focus 90% of your time on solutions and only 10% of your time
on problems".

"Learn not only to find what you like, learn to like what you

"Volunteer--not so you can build your resume, but so you can
build yourself."

"Always remember that you are unique--just like everybody else."

"Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about
something, you have time to do something about it."

"The greatest gift that you can give another person is your

"Have a strong mind and a soft heart."

"Wisdom is only granted to those who find it themselves."

"Don't go through life--GROW through life."

"The only real failure in life is one not learned from."

"True courage is not the absence of fear; rather it is the
taking of action in spite of the fear."

"Our mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open."

"Those who say it cannot be done should get the hell out of the
way of those who are doing it."

"No one can make you feel inferior without your own consent."

"Ignore other people's ignorance so that you may discover your
own wisdom."

"Transcend political correctness and strive for human righteousness."

"Contrary to popular belief, it is not the first impression that is
most important. It's the 1 million and first impressions that count.
Your ability to have integrity in every area of life is invaluable."

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled
by, and that has made all the difference".
     -- Robert Frost

Flowers never emit so sweet and strong a fragrance as before
a storm.  When a storm approaches thee, be as fragrant as a
sweet-smelling flower.
    -- Jean Paul Richter

We should never attempt to bear more than one kind of trouble
at a time. Some people try to bear three kinds --- all they have
had, all they have now, and all they expect to have.
    -- Edward Everett Hale

The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for
it, but what they become by it.
   -- Unknown

A pint cannot hold a quart.  If it is holding the pint it is
doing the best it can.

There are three types of people - the will's the won'ts and the
can'ts.  The will's accomplish everything, the won'ts won't do
anything and the can'ts will not try anything.

Man's mind stretched by a new idea never goes back to its
original dimensions.
                     -- Oliver Wendell Holmes

"If it is to be, it is up to me to do it."

A Smile
There's something you may give a friend and stranger too;
It seems that when you give it, it's given back to you.
This gift is worth a million, but doesn't take much time.
This simple little gesture can make the day worthwhile;
It's just as good as sunshine--
It's what we call a smile.
--Jim Wolf

I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
  --Thomas Jefferson

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to
those who prepare for it today.
   -- Malcolm X


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A page about getting older.