Dedicated to the one i love.

I thought i would write a page especially for my girlfriend Carol. She means everything to me, she is always in my mind. When i met her i was at a low point in my life, she helped me to rediscover happiness and later, love. I had given up on finding love and happiness, having had a few bad runs after losing my wife, i seemed to go from one disaster to the next. We met through the personals column of the local newspaper, our first meeting we were both very shy and quiet. This lady is truly wonderful, she loves work, i have to make sure i haven't left to much laying about otherwise she takes over and cleans up. We went out on a few dates, movies, ten-pin bowling and shopping trips, she didn't want to be any more than just a friend. At first i was dissapointed at this, but i thought that this girl had helped me to smile and to laugh again and i would repay her kindness with mine. Neither of us has taken a backward step since, we have moved forward from strength to strength, from friends to lovers and now we are planning husband and wife. We are both very much home people, not liking the cities or going out that much, we do enjoy going to the cinema if there is a good movie showing. With so much entertainment available at home these days there is hardly any need to go out unless it's to visit friends.
    The two of us are happiest when we are with each other and can't wait to be walking down the aisle with each other, knowing then that nothing will ever seperate us, not even death. I love her very much and i know she loves me, i will spend my life being the best husband i can be.
                I LOVE YOU CAROL.

            Eternally yours,
                                 Dave.     xxxxoooo

