Jokes 3.




Why sex is like a roller coaster:

It goes like this - You get on with your partner. There is
anxious anticipation as you start. You start slowly, climbing
your way to the top.

There are smiles exchanged, and giggles, maybe even
caressing or hand holding. The excitement builds and builds.
It nears the top. The expressions on faces become
wondrous and excited.  Then as it hits the pinnacle, things
move very fast. There's a quick motion, the heart races
with complete excitement; faces are all in total pleasure.
Arms are flailing, heads are bouncing, and there is some
noticeable screaming going on.

The rest of the ride is up and down, twisting and turning, lots
of bumping, sometimes in the light, sometimes in the dark,
sometimes there's a surprise, and sometimes it becomes all
too familiar but the end, there's
a big smile on the face, hair is all messed up............ and
everyone is talking about how great it is while some of them
say, "I wanna go again"...
Some people are sitting in a bar when one guy says, "My
name is Larry, and I am a SNAG."

Another guy says, "What's that?"

The first guy says, "That means I am a Single, New Age Guy."

Another one says, "My name is Gary, and I am a DINK.

A girl asks, "What's that?"

He says, "That means I am a Double Income, No Kids."

A lady says, "That's nice. My name is Gertrude, and I am a

Larry says, "A WIFE? What's a WIFE?"

She says, "That means, "Wash, Iron, Fuck, Etc."
The wife coyly tried to explain her purchase of a new pair of
expensive imported panties. "After all, dear," she said, "you
wouldn't expect to find fine perfume in a cheap bottle, would

"No," her husband replied. "Nor would I expect to find a gift
wrapping on a dead beaver."
The man approached the very beautiful woman in the large
supermarket and asked, "You know, I've lost my wife here
in the supermarket.  Can you talk to me for a couple of


"Because every time I talk to a a beautiful woman my wife
appears out of nowhere."
KID:  "Mother, doesn't God give us our daily bread?"

MOM:  "Yes, dear."

KID:  "And Santa brings us our toys at Christmas?"

MOM:  "Yes, dear."

KID:  "And the stork brings babies?"

MOM:  "Why certainly, dear."

KID:  "Then what's the old man hanging around for?"


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