Jokes 2.

Little Mary was supposed to bring fifty cents to school for a
workbook, so she went to ask her father for it. She found him
in the bathroom, stark naked, and in the excitement she
forgot all about the fifty cents and asked, "Daddy, What's

Her dad said "That's what I call 'a shame'."

Next day at school, when the teacher asked for the fifty
cents, Little Mary said, "Daddy couldn't give me fifty cents
because he wasn't wearing his pants."

The teacher replied, "Doesn't your father have any shame at

Little Mary said, "Oh, yes, ma'am, he has one, but it's not as
big as the one the principal gave you last Thursday."
Three women were talking about their love lives.

The first said :
'Mines like a Rolls-Royce,smooth and sophisticated.'

The second said:
'Mines like a Porsche, fast and powerful.'

The third said :
Mines like an old Chevy. It needs a hand start and I
have to jump on while it's still going.'
Two attorneys have planned to meet for lunch, but one of
them shows up 30 minutes late.

The one who's been waiting asks his partner: "What kept

"I ran over a Coke bottle and got a flat tire."

"A Coke bottle in the road? Didn't you see it?"

"No, the kid had it under his coat."
A young lady had just visited her doctor and he informed her
that she was pregnant.  The young lady had been married for
ten years and had wanted a baby very badly.  As she sat on
the bus, on her way home, she felt that she had to share the
good news with someone.  The gentleman sitting next to her
seemed as good as anyone to share the good news with.

Sir, she said, I just received the best news you could ever
imagine.  I have to share it with someone or I'll bust.  She told
him the news that the doctor had told her about being pregnant.

The man shared her enthusiam as he shared his expierence.
He said he was a farmer and he had trouble with his hens
laying eggs.  He stated that he went out to the hen house one
morning and all of his hens had layed eggs. He was so happy.
he added, "but confidentially, I changed cocks."

The newly pregnant woman responded, "Confidentially, me
Some women are gathered and the subject of conversation
turns to sex and then birth control. The first woman says
"We're Catholic so we can't use it."

The next woman says "I am too but we use the rhythm

The third woman says "We use the bucket and saucer

"What the heck is the bucket and saucer method?", the others

"Well, I'm five foot eleven... and my husband is five foot two. We
make love standing up with him standing on a bucket, and
when his eyes get big as saucers I kick the bucket out from
under him."
Today's woman puts on wigs, fake eyelashes, false fingernails,
sixteen pounds of assorted make-up/shadows/blushes/creams,
living bras, various pads that would make a linebacker envious,
has implants and assorted other surgeries, then complains that
she cannot find a "real" man.



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